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Wang Zi-Ping ( 王子平 )

Written By Reduan Koh on Monday, May 28, 2012 | 3:41 PM

Wang Zi Ping was born in 1881 during the Ching Dynasty in Hebei Province to a martial arts family. He learned martial arts from Yang Hong Xiu and Sun Yan Biao. He was a master in Shaolin, Cha Chuan, Pa Chi Chuan (Eight Extremes Fist), and Ching Long Jian (Green Dragon Sword).

He worked in his village for a short time but joined the army in order to teach kung fu to soldiers. He defeated many Western fighters who  arrived in China during a time when the country was in turmoil due to foreign invasions. Once, he single-handedly defeated a squadron of foreign military police. During the many years of war and chaos Wang was forced to travel all over China and take on all kinds of jobs, but never stopped practicing kung fu. He started learning martial arts at the age of six, and never stopped practicing, even when he was more than eighty years old. Ching Long Jian (Dragon Spring Sword) was his own creation, developed after he analyzed many styles of swordsmanship, including Western fencing and Japanese kendo. In 1960, he accompanied Premier Zhou Enlai to Cambodia. At the time, he was the Master of the Chinese Kung Fu demonstration team and was already eighty years old. However, in a demonstration of his love for the martial arts, he again performed his Ching Long Jian, with the enthusiasm and skill of someone much younger.

Wang had taken on minor roles in movies, usually in brief scenes showing some old martial arts master demonstrating a move or two. Although he was a well respected martial artist throughout the country, he never accepted money for his performances, claiming that his only goal was to promote martial arts. Wang was also a famous doctor, and produced several medical works during his later years.

During his youth, Wang had repeatedly defeated Western boxers who challenged the Chinese to fights. Once in a demonstration of his strength he picked up a huge stone of enormous weight and was since then known has been known as the "King of Thousand Pounds". Grandmaster Wang Zi Ping was the Vice Chairman of the Chinese Martial Arts Association and passed away in 1973.

He served as the leader of the Shaolin Kung Fu division of the Martial Arts Institute in 1928 and was also the vice chairman of the Chinese Wushu Association. Wang was known for his mastery of Chaquan, Huaquan, Pao Chuan, Bajiquan, and T'ai chi ch'uan.

Early in his life, Wang was a member of an underground revolutionary group known as "The Righteous and Harmonious Fists" during the Boxer Rebellion. This was believed to be resulting from the fact that Ziping had lived most of his life under colonial rule from major European powers.

He later resigned membership after the fall of the Qing government and became a student of Yang Hongxiu, from which he learned the art of Chaquan. He developed an exercise regimen for long life. He published works on martial arts exercises. When Zhou Enlai visited Burma, Wang, then 80 years old, went with them performed martial arts during the visit. He died when he was 93 years old.

Wang developed "Quan Shr Er Shr Fa" (Twenty Fist Method) as well as "Ching Long Jian" (Green Dragon Sword). He was succeeded by his daughter Wang Ju-Rong and his granddaughters Grace Wu, Xiaoping wu and Helen Wu.
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